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What Makes a Digital Space Exuberant – Based on excerpts from user’s experience

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(Last Updated On: March 8, 2022)

In today’s time, every business, artist, professional and tradesperson has a website that helps them manage their business or artwork. With so many websites being born on the internet every day and each of them having a unique appeal to their demographic, there is no doubt that the internet offers a tremendous opportunity to every professional or business alike.

Having known this fact for a long time, our team planned on interviewing users on their experience on the World Wide Web and see how different websites impact one uniquely. What factors contribute to making the appeal and how the successful websites build their efficiency so effectively. Keep on reading to know what our users’ experience told us and ways you can build on it to get an exuberant digital platform for yourself too!

1. Friendly User Interface

An interactive, easy-to-use interface allows the user to effectively engage with the content of the website. The interface allows for a quick exchange of information between the website and the visitor. When it’s easier for you to navigate through the sections of a website and meet your goals quickly and sufficiently, you feel thoroughly satisfied in your endeavour. Most visitors and people visiting specific websites, give heavy emphasis to the user interface of a website. Working to build an interactive one, yields abundantly in terms of a growing audience.

2. Simply Worded Content

Most people believe that good content involves the use of highly sophisticated language with wholesome and heavy words. However, there isn’t much truth in it. Most users feel more understood and grasp things better when the language is relative and the words are easy. This makes for content that is truly effective and universal in its appeal. The power of simple and routine language words is tremendous as they impart an accurate message to everyone alike. Refrain from using difficult language and stick to using simple words and phrases for a mass appeal and compatibility with the audience.

3. Connecting Campaigns

Campaigns are run to give you a good look into the brand’s values while they promote their service or product to a targeted demographic. Campaigns can be run on social media, newsletters, websites, etc. You can run types of campaigns but the most effective ones are those that compel people to find a connection within themselves or their community. In this sense, campaigns addressing social issues with the brand at the centre, helping look at the solutions, has an unmatched appeal.

4. Graphic Illustration

Even as you present statistics or any other kind of information, remember to use graphical symbols as they are interpreted by our brain more quickly and easily. Pictorial depiction of data or any information is taken by our brain in a very efficient and welcoming manner since our brain thinks in images. Don’t forget to also add various images and pictures corresponding to your content as that will help put across the message in a more effective manner. Graphical representations also allow the user to interpret things in a comprehensive way and grasp ads and information more promptly.

5. Client Reviews & Elaborate Portfolio

This is one of the most crucial aspects for a business or professional since without seeing your work, it is hard for people to trust you with the job. With a wide spread portfolio along with real-time client reviews, your audience will know where you hail from, what your work experience has been like and can connect with you accordingly. This is especially true for businesses, professionals and artists who have a worldwide audience and cater to various demographics at once. Client reviews further establish your value in the industry as a proficient venture. Most users report that they have contacted the business most promptly after scanning through their website when they read client reviews that are verified.

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Born in sydney, Grown in melbourne

80% of websites were delivered within 2 weeks

200+ websites in 2020 (150 during covid)

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