1. It is the backbone of your website
When you are getting your website created by the best web design agency in Melbourne, you ought to expect the best functionality. A website with a web design that navigates well, functions well, makes it a good one and is worth every penny you spent on getting it. We, as expert web designers make sure that the website runs smooth and fine for the users and the functionality just remains legit professional and perfect.
2. Should be given a retouch time to time
You are now famous and have got a number of users scrolling through your website every day! You get conversions every now and then and have been able to stand out in the marketplace.
What comes up next?
Get a retouch or a mini-makeover of the web design! Most likely, this will help customers to retain the interest in your website and make them curious about the newest additions and how sophisticatedly you got creative with something which was already doing great! Few additions to the designs do not hurt anyone and we as web designers, provide a web health checkup to everyone!
3. Best user experience if its eye candy
On the inside, we know what caught our fancy last time we scrolled through a few websites? The smooth functionality of course and in addition to this, the stunning nature of the web design and how clean the website looked to us. A website is eye candy when it has colour combinations and colour schemes that are appealing. Once it aligns with that specification, the user is sure to check out the other pages of the website too, and not just exit from the page where he/she landed.
4. Subtle is good
Keeping the design subtle is entering the subconscious. Read it again!
When something that catches your attention is subtle, you definitely are happy about it. Even before praising that view, your instinct keeps on admiring the first instance. For example, if you see a website that has a subtle video playing in the background (imagine), would you exit from the website? Certainly not.
The aim is the same, to keep your user hitched to your website. And, that is what we do.